Thursday, November 5, 2009

Features are Versioned and Upgradable on SharePoint 2010

One of the big sticking points with SharePoint 2007 was that Microsoft failed to adequately address was how to update between versions of third party SharePoint applications. Microsoft has addressed much of this introduction of feature versioning in 2010.

Starting with SharePoint 2010, the versions of all features activated are stored. Farm and web application features versions are stored in the config database. Site collection (SPSite) and site (SPWeb) features versions are stored in the content database. Features shipped without version numbers default to version

With the in-place upgrade process provided in psconfig.exe, the farm is scanned and the versions of all features activated are compared with the versions of the feature definitions installed. Any active feature that is not up to the current feature definition (SPFeatureDefinition) version has the opportunity to upgrade. How that upgrade occurs depends on a new block of CAML XML in the feature definition under the new UpgradeActions element.

There are several types of UpgradeActions. They include CustomUpgradeAction, ApplyElementManifests, AddContentTypeField, and MapFile. The most flexible of these is CustomUpgradeAction for which you can assign a SPFeatureReceiver. When you do that it will invoke a new method FeatureUpgrading on the SPFeatureReceiver.

Some upgrade code paths must always run. An example of this would be having a base schema for a content type which never changes (because it was released in the past), but always AddContentTypeField regardless of whether deploymenting a new current version or an upgrading to the current version.

At other times, you must use the VersionRange element. This element specifies the affectivity of the upgrade code. An example would be a new module added to older versions.

Over the next few days I will post some examples of using feature upgrade.

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